Nail Your A grade Essay: 5 Secrets Top Graders Won't Tell

9 April 2024 by
Viz Dum
Whenever you write essays for your assignments, you aspire to score an A+ grade or at least an A grade. However, most of you find it difficult to meet your aspirations. You might have seen a few people who constantly score A grade and upon being asked about the strategy, they don’t disclose it. Worry not! This guide will assist you write amazing essays, just like the one that gets top grades, by disclosing to you the 5 secrets of top graders. Whether you are in a high school, college, or university or just want to enhance your writing skills for any personal work, these strategies will empower you to craft A grade essays. 

Secret 1: Understanding the Topic 

Before starting essay writing, understand the topic or question like an analyst to determine the demand of your essay. Don’t just glance at the topic, but read it thrice and simultaneously try to underline the important parts. Here is your analyst kit to decode. 

Step 1- Uncover the Topic  

This is the foundation of your essay. What does the essay want you to write about? Is it a historical event, a scientific theory, a literary work, or something else entirely? Identifying and interpreting the topic is crucial because it sets the boundaries of your analysis. 

Suppose you have an essay question - The book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee explores themes of prejudice and courage. Write an essay analyzing how she uses character development to show these themes. 
Here, you can identify the essay question asking you about- The book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee which is a literary work.  

Step 2: Define Your Task  

This step reveals your main job. What exactly do you need to do with the essay topic? Here are some common tasks you might encounter in essay questions: 
  • Analyse: Break down the topic and explain how its parts work together. 
  • Argue: Take a stance on an issue related to the topic and convince the reader of your position or side. 
  • Compare: Examine the similarities and differences between two or more related topics. 
  • Evaluate: Assess the strengths and weaknesses of something related to the topic.



Continuing with the same Essay question mentioned in Step 1, you need to define your task by following the tips of Step 2. 
Here, it is figured out that you have to Analyze the essay topic which is how Harper Lee uses character development to show the themes of prejudice and courage. 

Step 3: Identify Key Focus Areas  

Are there any specific words or ideas the essay question mentions that you need to pay close attention to? These might be specific themes, historical events, characters in a book, or scientific concepts. Think of them as specific details you need to include in your A  grade essay. 


Taking the same essay question of Step 1, identify key focus areas under this step. 
On thinking, you can get that the focus areas of the essay are the themes of prejudice and courage, and how characters change to show these themes. 
By implementing this analytical tool kit, you will successfully pave the first step towards A grade Essay writing.  

Secret 2: Craft a Thesis Statement 

A thesis statement is a short and clear single sentence that summarizes your main argument and tells the reader exactly what you'll be proving throughout your essay. Here's a way on how to create a powerful thesis statement: 
  • Be Specific and Clear: Avoid vague statements. Don't just say something like "The book is good." Explain why it's good as well. 
  • Match the Essay Topic: Make sure that your thesis statement directly addresses what the essay topic asks you to do. 
  • Think Ahead: Consider any opposing viewpoints and try to subtly address them in your thesis. 


Essay topic- Same as above 
Weak Thesis- Harper Lee uses various characters in To Kill a Mockingbird. (This is vague and doesn't address the question) 
Strong Thesis- Through the contrasting journeys of Scout Finch and Boo Radley, Harper Lee demonstrates how prejudice blinds individuals, while courage allows for empathy and understanding. (This is specific, addresses the question, and hints at the contrasting characters) 
By crafting a strong thesis statement, you'll be well on your way to writing a focused and well-organized A grade essay. 

Secret 3: Make a Solid Structure 

A strong structure is a key to an A grade essay. It guides readers and keeps your points organized and linked. It also ensures a clear and impactful message. 
Here's a common structure that works for most essay types: 

1. Introduction: It’s an essential aspect of essay writing as it grabs readers’ attention. It must incorporate what you will discuss, why you are writing and how will you do that.  Try to start with a relevant hook to grab attention, introduce your topic in 2 to 3 sentences, and state your well-crafted thesis. 

2. Body Paragraphs: Each paragraph focuses on a single point that supports your thesis. Make sure to use transition words or phrases to connect your ideas smoothly. The essentials of a body paragraph are mentioned below. 
  • Topic Sentence: Each paragraph should begin with a strong topic sentence, a mini-announcement that introduces the specific point you'll be discussing. So, write it briefly. 
  • Evidence & Analysis: Support your point with facts, quotes, examples, or statistics from credible sources. But don't just present them! Describe how this evidence supports your argument. 
  • Logical Flow: Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs, using connective words and phrases to guide the reader through your argument. 

3. Conclusion: 

Summarize your key points or themes covered in your writing, restate your thesis in a new way by emphasizing its significance, and leave the reader with a final thought or call to action that ties back to your essay's main point. 
By following this structure, you'll be well on your way to crafting an A grade essay that is not only informative but also engaging and impactful. 

Secret 4: Put Credible Evidence 

A strong essay is not about stating your opinion but rather convincing the reader that you are right, by validating your opinions with credible evidence. Evidence is like the facts and figures that support your arguments and boost your writings’ credibility, ultimately paving the way to clinch your aspiration of writing an  A grade essay. Here is how to use evidence: 

1. Variety is Key: 

Don't just rely on quotes! Use a mix of evidence to keep your essay interesting and well-rounded. Here are some options: 
  • Facts & Statistics: Use reliable data and research findings to back up your claims. 
  • Expert Opinions: Include quotes from credible sources like authors, scientists, or respected figures in your field. 
  • Real-Life Examples: Use stories, case studies, or historical events to illustrate your points and make them relatable to the reader. 
2. Credibility Matters: 

Think of your evidence as a trustworthy source you can rely on. Here are some places to find reliable sources: 
  • Academic sources: Textbooks, scholarly articles, and reputable websites from universities or government organizations (.gov, are excellent choices. 
  • Published Books & Journals: Look for established publications in your field for in-depth information. 

3. Seamless Integration: 

Do not just mention your evidence but also explain how it connects to your points and strengthens your argument. Here's how: 
  • Introduce the Evidence: Briefly explain why you're including the evidence and how it relates to your topic sentence or points. 
  • Explain Why it Matters: Don't just quote someone - explain how their words support your argument! 


Secret 5: Write Correct Grammar 

Grammar might be a typical task, but it is the solid foundation for clear communication. To understand your writing and write an A grade Essay, grammatical knowledge, and grammatical accuracy is vital which can be learned by enrolling in writing courses. Here are some tips on the usage of grammar. 

1. Sentence Structure: 
  • Subject-Verb Agreement: Ensure that your subjects and verbs match in number (either singular or plural). 
  • Vary Your Sentence Length: Mix short and long sentences for a more engaging rhythm. 
  • Parallel Structure: Use parallel structure when comparing or contrasting ideas for clarity. 

2. Punctuation: 
  • Commas: Use commas correctly to separate clauses, introductory phrases, and non-essential elements. 
  • Semicolons: Use semicolons to join independent clauses or separate items in a list that already contains commas. 
  • Periods and Question Marks: Ensure proper punctuation at the end of sentences and questions. 

3. Word Choice: 
  • Active Voice vs. Passive Voice: Choose for  an active voice for stronger, clearer writing. 
  • Word Choice and Tone: Choose words that are appropriate for your audience and the essay's purpose. 
  • Conciseness: Eliminate unnecessary words and phrases for a tighter, more impactful essay. 

4. Proofreading Tips: 
  • Read Aloud: Read your essay aloud to catch awkward phrasing or grammatical errors. 
  • Take Breaks and Come Back Later: You might not identify your mistakes when your mind is engrossed with writing work. Hence, take breaks and read your content with a fresh mind to spot the errors. 
  • Use Grammar Tools: Consider using online grammar checkers as a starting point, but don't rely solely on them. 

In conclusion, achieving an A grade essay is within your reach by following these secrets revealed by Vizdum, your one-stop shop for academic success. Remember, a strong foundation is key, so start by fully understanding the topic and crafting a clear thesis statement. Structure your essay logically, using evidence to support your claims, and ensure your essay writing is grammatically sound. By mastering these skills and using  Vizdum's  free resources like E-books and blogs, you'll be well on your way to essay writing skills that impress your instructors and secure those top grades!